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Circulent Chooseday. Five tips on how to make our summer more circular

The summer season is well-known to be a peak time of consumerism. With increased travelling grows the use of transportation, food consumption and general rates of purchasing various goods. Sadly, the peak season for the economy comes hand in hand with the rise in pollution levels.

Statistics show, that 45 percent of our population tends to spend most of their yearly income during the summer. It is stated, that 30 percent of respondents of the conducted survey are expecting to spend more money this summer than during the rest of the year.

According to various marketing agencies, some distinct trends of consumerism are clearly visible during the summer season. They say, that during summer consumers tend to focus on products and services that are connected to outdoor activities, dining outside their homes, and travelling. In fact, every summer Amazon’s suitcase sales grow by around 183 percent compared to the rest of the year.

But, as said before, the increase in various spending during the summer has a negative impact on the environment. The statistics show that plastic waste grows by 40 percent on average in summer compared to the rest of the year.

It is relatively easy to prevent these trends from staying for upcoming years. Here are five suggestions on how to alter your consumer behaviour and do less harm to the environment.

  1. Avoid travelling by plane. It is always worth considering trains or busses as the way of transportation. That way you’re not only travelling more environmentally friendly but also have more time to observe the landscapes of the place you’re visiting.

  2. Choose circular fashion. Either if your graduation is coming or you’re just looking for some new clothes for summer, circular fashion is a perfect option for you. Instead of buying brand new clothes, consider purchasing, renting or borrowing them. To read more about different types of circular fashion, click here.

  3. Eat more locally-grown food. Summer is the harvest season of various fruits and vegetables. That’s why you should prioritize locally grown food instead of imported one, as it is less climate-impacting and in most cases healthier for you.

  4. Choose alternative transport instead of a car. With good weather approaching, it is worth considering swapping your car for a bicycle, a scooter or even a nice walk.

  5. Take advantage of the sun. The long light time during the day can help to save electricity. Instead of using artificial light enjoy the sun by moving your workspace closer to the window. Also, switch the drier to the sunlight and let your laundry dry naturally.

ReGeneration 2030’s Circulents project is focusing on educating youth in the Nordic and Baltic Sea region on circular economy. If you want to be a part of this working group, fill up the volunteer form.


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